Kategorie: Webinare

Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz

Dieses Webinar befasst sich mit geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt und behandelt Forschungsergebnisse darüber, wie Frauen diese erleben. Hierbei wird geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt als organisationales Problem verstanden. Ziel ist möglichst viele für das Thema zu sensibilsieren und Möglichkeiten auf zu zeigen, wie Forschung hier beitragen kann. Folgende Fragen werden dabei behandelt Dieses Webinar fand am International Day for the […]

Gender, employee voice and social justice

This panel discussion focuses on gender, employee voice and social justice. It looks to enable critical reflection and engagement in interdisciplinary discussions about the opportunities and challenges of employee voice to address gender dynamics in the workplace. Panel members will share insights from their research to discuss the interplay of gender and employee voice, the […]

Gender & Disability at Work

This panel discussion focuses on gender and disability at work, to focus on the key aspects that, in their scholarship and praxis, colleagues can reflect upon to develop interdisciplinary discussions about gender and disability. A key aim of the webinar is to better understand the relevance and potential of gender and disability research. The panel […]

Decolonial and pluriversal perspectives on gender in management

The panel discussion will engage with decolonial and pluriversal perspectives to problematise scholarship on gender in management and advance scholarship in this area by broadening the conceptual, empirical and analytical scope of the field. The future of scholarly discussions about gender in management calls for more inclusive understandings of gender dynamics and gendering. Dominant discussions […]

Intersectional reflexivity: Methodological considerations on situatedness, positionality and diffraction

Webinar synopsis This workshop aims to encourage thinking about the uses of intersectional reflexivity in research. Drawing on reflections about the intersectional dimensions of research praxis, the workshop will discuss the importance of situatedness, positionality and diffraction as methodological strategies. The workshop will facilitate an interactive discussion about the methodological problematisation of situated difference and […]

Gender, Intersectionality and Environmental Justice

Webinar synopsis Questions about sustainability and environmental justice are central to the future of work. The United Nations refers to global warming and climate change as “the defining crisis of our time” and in this context, environmental justice is an immediate concern for business, management and organizations in terms of their role in mitigating some […]

Interrogating allyship: Tensions and contradictions

Webinar synopsis Allyship is seen as central to fostering structures of support and solidarity to inform actions to challenge, resist and dismantle structures that (re)produce inequalities. It is considered an important approach to achieve transformational change as it calls for people to recognise their privilege and use it to challenge patterns of domination and injustice. […]

Conceptualising and researching gender: A methods workshop

Speaker at the webinar on quantitative methods for gender research. Context: Gender and management research is challenging, concerned with deeply embedded social issues and structural inequalities. Conducted in a wide range of geographical and organisational contexts and approached from individual, organisational and social levels of analysis, gender and management scholars therefore require methods that can […]

JustPLAY. Digitale Spiele zu Zukunftsthemen

Seminar- und Vortragsreihe zu Games, organisiert von Fares Kayali und Elisabeth Günther. Games können mehr, als ihr Ruf manchmal verrät. Über Games lassen sich komplexe und schwere Themen vermitteln. Durch Spielen und die Auseinandersetzung damit erlernen Kinder und Jugendliche wesentliche Kompetenzen. Lehrende können wesentlich zum Transfer zwischen digitaler Spielwelten und realen Lernprozessen vermitteln. In der interaktiven […]

Gender and Technology (Panel discussion 2): What to do about gender, race and class in robots and AI?

Dieses Webinar wurde in Englisch abgehalten. This is the second event in a two-part series that engages with the relationship between gender and technology. This event addresses gender, race and class in the area of robotics, automation and artificial intelligence. Robots and automation may appear ostensibly as pure technical developments. However, reports have shown that […]