Elisabeth Anna Guenther is a social scientist. Her research focuses on social justice (gender, diversity and intersectionality) in and through education (organizations) with an emphasis on digitality.
Further Information: researchgate OCRID
Professional Experiences (academic)
since 2020 Assistant Professor University of Vienna Centre for Teacher Education Digital Education and Learning Group |
2019-2020 Assistant Professor WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations |
2019 Lecturer (adjunct) Freie Universität Berlin Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum for Gender Studies |
2018-2019 Senior Scientist Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt Director of the University Centre for Women and Gender Studies |
2016-2018 Research Fellow Cranfield University, Cranfield School of Management working on the Horizon 2020 project GEDII |
2016-17 Lecturer (adjunct) Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt |
2016 Lecturer (adjunct) Paris Lodron University of Salzburg |
2012–2016 Research and Teaching Associate TU Wien, Institute of Management Science Department of Labor Science and Organization |
2010–2011 Research Associate (project funded) TU Wien, Institute of Management Science Department of Labor Science and Organization Project: Leaky Pipeline |
Academic Degrees
Doctorate in social and economic sciences
Specialization: Organization Studies
Programme: Industrial Engineering
TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)
graduated with distinction
Diploma degree in Sociology and elective subjects
University of Vienna
Awards & Honors
2019 Käthe-Leichter-Preis Awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Women, Family and Youth, nominated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. |
2017 Gabriele Possanner Förderungspreis Awarded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) of Austria for scientific accomplishment in gender studies. |
2016 Best Doctoral Thesis in Industrial Engineering 2016“ by the Verein zur Förderung der betriebswissenschaftlichen Forschung und Ausbildung” Further information in German following this link |
2014 Best Paper Award: Stream 15 (Academic Cultures beyond Privilege and Discrimination) at 7th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference |
2013 Johanna Dohnal Förderpreis |
Visiting Scholarship & International Experiences
01-03/2015 Visiting Scholar at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherland |
07/2002 International Summer University Prishtina, Kosovo |
09/2001–06/2002 Erasmus Exchange Student Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Netherland |
08/1997–08/1998 Youth Exchange, Salto Uruguay |
Professional Organisations (member/roles)
- British Academy of Management, Gender in Management Special Interest Group: board member since 2018 (2018-2020 Newsletter Editor, since 2020 Secretary)
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung (Austrian Association of Gender Studies): Secretary (2018-2020), Treasurer (2020-2022)
- Cygna – Women in Academia
- EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) European Sociology Association
- RN33 – Women’s and Gender Studies International Sociology Association
- Research Committee for Women in Society RC32
- Sektion Feministische Theorie und Geschlechterforschung in der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
(Austrian Society of Sociology, section Feminist Theory and Gender Studies)
Academic Governance
University of Vienna Representative of non-professorial academic staff in the Centre for Teacher Education’s Conference (since June 2022) |
WU Vienna (2019-2020) Substitute Member in the Department Conference Organizing Committee Department Appreciation Day |
Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt (2018-2019) Director of the Diversity Council Substitute Member of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities Informant in the Senate’s Committee for Curricula (Beratendes Kollegialorgan des Senates für Curricula (BEKO-C)) Member of the Gender Studies’ Curricula Committee |
TU Wien (2012-2016) Contact person regarding the promotion of women for the School of Mechanical Engineering and Management Sciences Alternate member of works council for academic staff |
University of Vienna (2004-2007) Student member of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities (contributing to the university’s equality plan) |
Further Experiences and Qualifications
since 11/2008 (ocassionally) Facilitator for workshops on group dynamic, conflict management, gender & diversity training, education of tutors |
since 09/2002 – radio host (voluntary, unpaid) at Orange 94.0 – Vienna’s community radio |
10/2007-11/2008 Qualification as facilitator course of studies by the Independent Tutorial Project of the Austrian Students’ Union |
2008-2012 Assistant Vienna University of Technology Center for Promoting Women and Gender Studies |
2007-2008 Assistant WU Wien, Vienna University of Economics and Business Research Institute for Economics of Aging |
2006-2008 Project board Women Spring University 2007 Editorial board documentation of the Women Spring University |
2005-2007 Officer for feminist politics at the Austrian students’ union |
2004-2007 Student member of the equal opportunity council University of Vienna |
2005-2007 Assistant WU Wien, Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Social Policy |
2004-2008 eTutor (for blended learning) University of Vienna |
2003–2005 Women’s Officer at the students union of the University of Vienna |
Language proficiency
- German (First Language)
- English (fluent)
- Spanish (basic proficiency in writing, advanced proficiency in speaking)
- Russian (to be improved)
- Dutch (basic proficiency)
Further Skills
Software (user knowledge)
MS-Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access)
SPSS, stata, R, NVivo, MAXQDA
WordPress, Joomla, TYPO3, Moodle
Sound Editing: audacity