Elisabeth Anna Guenther is a social scientist. Her research focuses on social justice  (gender, diversity and intersectionality) in and through education (organizations) with an emphasis on digitality.

Further Information: researchgate OCRID

Professional Experiences (academic)

since 2020 Assistant Professor
University of Vienna
Centre for Teacher Education
Digital Education and Learning Group 
2019-2020 Assistant Professor
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations
2019 Lecturer (adjunct)
Freie Universität Berlin
Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum for Gender Studies
2018-2019 Senior Scientist
Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt
Director of the University Centre for Women and Gender Studies
2016-2018 Research Fellow
Cranfield University, Cranfield School of Management
working on the Horizon 2020 project GEDII
2016-17 Lecturer (adjunct)
Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt
2016 Lecturer (adjunct)
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
2012–2016 Research and Teaching Associate
TU Wien, Institute of Management Science
Department of Labor Science and Organization
2010–2011 Research Associate (project funded)
TU Wien, Institute of Management Science
Department of Labor Science and Organization
Project: Leaky Pipeline

Academic Degrees


Doctorate in social and economic sciences
Specialization: Organization Studies
Programme: Industrial Engineering
TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)
graduated with distinction


Diploma degree in Sociology and elective subjects
University of Vienna

Awards & Honors

Awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Women, Family and Youth, nominated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
Gabriele Possanner Förderungspreis
Awarded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) of Austria for scientific accomplishment in gender studies.
Best Doctoral Thesis in Industrial Engineering 2016“ by the Verein zur Förderung der betriebswissenschaftlichen Forschung und Ausbildung”
Further information in German following this link
Best Paper Award: Stream 15 (Academic Cultures beyond Privilege and Discrimination) at 7th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference
Johanna Dohnal Förderpreis

Visiting Scholarship & International Experiences

Visiting Scholar at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherland
International Summer University Prishtina, Kosovo
09/2001–06/2002 Erasmus Exchange Student
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Youth Exchange, Salto

Professional Organisations (member/roles)


Academic Governance

University of Vienna
Representative of non-professorial academic staff
in the Centre for Teacher Education’s Conference (since June 2022)
WU Vienna (2019-2020)
Substitute Member in the Department Conference
Organizing Committee Department Appreciation Day
Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt (2018-2019)
Director of the Diversity Council

Substitute Member of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities 

Informant in the Senate’s Committee for Curricula
(Beratendes Kollegialorgan des Senates für Curricula (BEKO-C))

Member of the Gender Studies’ Curricula Committee
TU Wien (2012-2016)
Contact person regarding the promotion of women for the School of Mechanical Engineering and Management Sciences

Alternate member of works council for academic staff
University of Vienna (2004-2007)
Student member of the Working Group for Equal Opportunities 
(contributing to the university’s equality plan)

Further Experiences and Qualifications

since 11/2008 (ocassionally)
Facilitator for workshops on group dynamic, conflict management, gender & diversity training, education of tutors
since 09/2002 – radio host (voluntary, unpaid)
at Orange 94.0 – Vienna’s community radio
10/2007-11/2008 Qualification as facilitator
course of studies by the Independent Tutorial Project of the Austrian Students’ Union
2008-2012 Assistant
Vienna University of Technology
Center for Promoting Women and Gender Studies
2007-2008 Assistant
WU Wien, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Research Institute for Economics of Aging
2006-2008 Project board Women Spring University 2007
Editorial board documentation of the Women Spring University
Officer for feminist politics at the Austrian students’ union
Student member of the equal opportunity council
University of Vienna
2005-2007 Assistant
WU Wien, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Institute for Social Policy
2004-2008 eTutor (for blended learning)
University of Vienna
Women’s Officer at the students union of the University of Vienna

Language proficiency

  • German (First Language)
  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (basic proficiency in writing, advanced proficiency in speaking)
  • Russian (to be improved)
  • Dutch (basic proficiency)

Further Skills

Software (user knowledge)

MS-Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access)
SPSS, stata, R, NVivo, MAXQDA
WordPress, Joomla, TYPO3, Moodle

Sound Editing: audacity