Research funding

The following research has been funded by third parties.

Principal Investigator of Daten*bilden – Creatively developing and promoting careful data practices in schools. Project is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) as part of the „Sparkling Science 2.0“ programme.
More Information and results:

Team-Lead of ELEMeNT – Elementarpädagog*innen Lernen die Entwicklung von Medien mit Neuen Technologien, project funded by the Austrian Federal Chancellery – Section III for Women Affairs and Equality. My role: Lead of the University of Vienna Team. Further information & results (in German only):

National Expert for the Resistiré (RESpondIng to outbreakS through co-creaTIve inclusive equality stRatEgies)

Research Fellow GEDII – Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity, which was  funded by the European Union under the program Horizon 2020

Research Expert for quantitative study of the project First year university students’ experiences of studying computer science at the Faculty for Informatics at the TU Wien.

Research Assistant in the project Leaky Pipeline: Eine Studie zur horizontalen und vertikalen Segregation at TU Wien (information in German following this link)